Our Process

DISCUSS YOUR NEEDS  For our first appointment, we start with a walk-through consultation of your home or office. We’ll discuss your organization goals, needs and style preferences. Some questions will be asked like… What is working? What is not working? What does “done” look like to you? This is a confidential, kind, and judge-free chat with hopefully a few laughs!

MAKE A PLAN  From there, we will create a customized organization plan to reach your goals. Once you approve, we schedule a time to for the hands-on, or virtual, organizing session.

CATEGORIZE + SORT  We begin by sorting the space into like categories so you see exactly what you have—and where you may need to fill in some gaps. While the decision-making is all yours, we work at your speed and offer gentle guidance on what to keep, toss, donate, sell and repurpose.

CREATE SYSTEMS  Once your space is decluttered, we will work together to find a home for your items so that maintenance is fast and simple. We like to place most-used products within easy reach and use harder to reach areas for seasonal or back stock items. Our goal to create a lovely flow and efficiency that moves you from one space to the next with ease.

CONTAIN + STYLE + MAINTAIN  Having the right bins, baskets or containers for your space can be both functional and stylish—and makes organization easy to maintain. We can work with your current organization products, or we can take measurements and recommend new items for a customized, stylish solution.

Learn more about our Home Organizing, Move or Renovation Organizing,  Financial Organizing, or Virtual Organizing Services. To get started, please email kerri@editandarrange.com.